
Why Is Lennie Justified In The Book Of Mice And Men

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In the book of Mice and Men, George was justified to shoot Lennie because Lennie is destructive and unstable. To begin, Lennie does not know how to control his strength and that causes him to be destructive. An example is in chapter five, where Curley's wife and Lennie are in the barn. Curley’s wife was too friendly to Lennie, that’s leads to Lennie touching Curley's wife’s hair, then Lennie grabbing her hair and accidentally breaking her neck. Curley's wife screams '" Let go, you let go!"' (Steinbeck 90). In this quote, it shows that Lennie does not know how to control his strength because if he did, he would've let go. Consequently, this cause a big conflict and a main reason why George was justified of shooting Lennie. Another reason is

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