
Why Is Literacy Important?

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As an education support worker is important to clearly understand and grasp literacy, how vital literacy is in our lives to ensure children are not illiterate. So to understand literacy we must look at what is literacy. Literacy is not only the ability to read and write but rather a person’s ability to utilise and put the skills together. But before children can read and write, they need to learn about words, sounds, language, books and stories. In modern days literacy includes the ability to use language, numbers, images, computers and other means to understand, communicate and seek knowledge. The key to literacy is reading development, a skill that will allow the student to understand the words when spoken and understand the written …show more content…

Sharlene Kalaitzoglou CHCEDS503A- Support the development of Literacy Skills P1 Encouraging literacy development- giving students opportunities to listen to and use language. Communication: Communicating is important for literacy development. Bonding and interacting with your child from infancy is the first form of communication that your child experiences. Your baby may communicate with you by smiling, facial expressions and cooing to your sounds which are both forms of verbal and nonverbal communication. These types of back-and-forth interactions are getting your child ready for talking and socialising. To encourage your child to build on communication you can; With your infant copy the baby sounds back to your child as this can help your infant understand how language is put together. Sing songs together- this introduces new words to the children while introducing music as a form of communication Talk about everyday things with the students- what they did on the weekend- encourage them to extend on the activities and express their feeling about the event. Assist students to break words down in segments. For e.g.: the word run- this can be broken down as r-u-n or ru-n or r-un. Another e.g.: running- this can be broken down to runn- ing. Reading: Reading is importance in a student’s

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