
Why Is Pallanteum So Important To Aeneid?

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At the beginning of Book 10, the river god Tiberinus visits Aeneas in a dream and advises him that a group of Arcadians have settled in a nearby city. “They’ve chosen / Where they will settle and, up in the hills, they’ve established a city / Which, in great-grandfather Pallas’s honour, they’ve named Pallanteum.” (8.52-54) Aeneas had recently become embroiled in a war against the city of Latium, and Tiberinus instructs him to ask the ruler of Pallanteum, Evander, to join forces against the Latins. Also residing in Pallanteum is Evander’s son Pallas, who Evander eventually entrusts to Aeneas as a student, and the two become close. Historically, Pallanteum was significant because it would eventually become Rome. “Fiery Sun had arrived at the

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