
Why Is Reading So Important?

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Why is Reading So Important?

Like most of you, I’m a voracious reader and have taught myself many things throughout my life, whether I thought of these pursuits as study or not. I began gobbling up books up before I was in Kindergarten and have continued to devour them until now, regardless of where life took me along the way.

This was my mom’s influence, of course.

She was a big believer in the value of being a bookworm and instilled the habit in us at an early age – we never had much money growing up, but there were always books to fill the time and get our imaginations churning.

Some of my fondest memories include sitting in the living room with an afghan blanket pulled to my chin, my breath visible in the frigid air. Reading about how cruise ships were built or the lives of whales or Native American history. All things I never saw but got to know intimately. …show more content…

But we had the world at our fingertips, and in those moments you didn’t feel the lack.

A reader always knows how to entertain themselves and learn something new. Reading may not always be the most productive way to learn, but there’s no shorter path to the many facets of the human experience than through reading books on a variety of subjects and experiences.

In fact, I think comparing book reading to other learning strategies in the short-term paints an incomplete picture. Because the true power of reading is how the knowledge links together and snowballs over time.

The reading habit definitely seemed to make me wiser than other people my age, and this is without a determined plan for study – I just swallowed books wholesale and moved on to the next as interest called.

I Also Believe Books Make You A More Moral

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