
Why Is Rodeo Important To Me Essay

Decent Essays

Rodeo is my life. School plays a big role in my life with rodeo. If I dont have above a 2.0 GPA I can't rodeo because when you rodeo in high school it's considered a sport in your school so you have to stay on top of your grades so that you can rodeo. Balancing school and rodeo is pretty difficult, because you have to stay on your grades and then you go home and practice for 3 hours every day and it’s hard to find time to do your homework. I have plans to rodeo professionally when i turn 18 and make a living on rodeo, once you turn pro you buy your traveling card for $100 and that lasts you a year and you have to renew it every year.

Rodeoing will take you places that you have never been before and it will give you the opportunity to meet a bunch of new people. When i first started rodeoing it was hard for me to just go out and meet people because i didn’t really know anything about them and it took me a while to get the courage and go introduce myself and make new friends. After a few years of rodeoing i wouldn’t have to go introduce myself because people would come up to me and ask who i was because i was doing so good in all my events. Most people are rude at first but once you get to know them and hang out with them, you finally start to see the nice side of them. …show more content…

Team roping involves a header and a heeler, the header ropes the steer around the head and the heeler ropes the steers two back feet. Calf Roping is just one cowboy against one calf. You have to rope the calf around the neck and you jump off your horse and run down the rope and tie the calf by three of his feet. In calf roping you have a jerk line which you tie on to the horse and the rest of the rope goes under your belt. When you jump off your horse the jerk line pulls on the horse’s mouth so that he pulls the calf into your lap so it’s easier to tie. A Piggin string is like a little rope that you use to tie the

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