
Why Is Skipping Class Is Wrong

Decent Essays

I admit it: skipping class is wrong. It’s dangerous, bad for yourself and your grades, and it doesn’t really help you if you have anxiety, I’ve come to find out. The main question is: Why and is it worth it? Why do people do it? There’s a variety of reasons of why from, “Hey let’s go smoke! Drink! Do drugs! I’m just a couch potato! I rely on the internet for giving me the will to live!” (Those are among the most common) but some kids really don’t mean any harm. I mean, the first thought through my head was, “Hey, it’s only one day of class. No harm done!” Guess what. There was a lot- I’m talking about a LOAD- of harm done. The thing is, is that I really wasn’t thinking this whole school year about how much I could handle. I was more thinking …show more content…

We really don’t. Some of us had plans. Plans to go to a nice college. Some of us had dreams and goals to make in life, but when you’re sitting here failing all your classes but chorus… Chorus! The one thing I’m good at! Look at that. I can’t go to the good college I want to go to because of my failing academics, but at least I’m passing chorus! The one thing I’m good at. Heck, it’s the only thing I’m good at. I thought I was good at English. My mom wanted that to be my backup plan. She said if all else failed I could be a writer. Looks like I’m not good enough to be a writer. I have flowing thoughts that more jump forwards, backwards, and do back flips in my brain, but they don’t really seem to flow. All of the things I write are in the heat of the moment. Usually after I write I’m exhausted. I am …show more content…

Now I have anxiety and I’m worried, because I’m failing 3 out of 4 classes. I didn’t notice until all of this went down, in all honesty. So… is there a step after exhaustion? Is there a step after this? Is there a step above being exhausted? A step between being exhausted and collapsing? There must be. If there is, that’s where I am. It gets to the point of where my anxiety is so high that I can’t even focus enough to do my work. So now my grades will sink even more. I don’t want to be held back. I had plans to graduate May of 2020, I had plans to go to college at UCLA, or even NYU, maybe Ithaca! Those are all lost now, aren’t they. Who knew something as trivial as skipping could cause what feels like my whole life collapsing. As I said before: skipping is wrong. Don’t do it. Especially if you are fragile in every aspect of your being. If you skip then, your whole life may collapse. In the end, I do feel like next year, whether I’m in 9th grade still, or 10th, I’m cutting back on the extracurriculars. I piled on so much more than I can handle. Skipping is bad, but so is not having a hold on yourself. Skipping just made everything topple over. For your transcript’s sake, don’t

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