
Why Is The Upper Class Bad

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In 1789, the French experienced a revolution by the peasants due to unfair tax practices. The wealthiest 2% of the country was not getting taxed whatsoever and the other 98% of the country, which was poor, had to support the great tax burden that had arisen due to immense spending by the government, which was for the most part controlled completely by the top 2%.
Many aristocrats had to either flee the country or be beheaded. A similar event occurred in Russia in 1917, giving rise to a communist government that would reign for 74 years. During this time, all wealth and property were owned by the government, causing “class” to vanish. Both of these events caused great pain and suffering for the rich and wealthy, whom the peasants were mad at. However, is the Upper Class actually bad? Why do the lower classes constantly strive to eliminate them? One reason for this anger from the lower class is because the Upper Class has a lot of power and influence over society despite their small numbers. Starting in 2011, a protest movement known …show more content…

As Fitzgerald put it, “they smash up things and creatures and retreat back into their money,” (Fitzgerald 191). Some do not pay their taxes. Others are involved in scandal and cheat money from people. However, this does not apply to the majority of the wealthy, who are law-abiding, productive citizens. Many have built their fortunes up themselves and should not have what they have worked so hard for be taken away from them. In short, the wealthy should be left alone.
Without the wealthy, , society would falter because the rich give a standard for us to strive for, get things done with their broad executive power, and supply necessary capital to keep the economy going. We need the rich to supply numerous jobs and create a system of advancement. In order to do that, we should stop trying to tax them so much in order to redistribute wealth. The Upper Class is unjustly attacked by the lower

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