
Why Is Uniformity Important In The Military

Satisfactory Essays

Accountability and Uniformity are the main things that need to be done when being in the army. Accountability must be met to the standard to which of that each soldier must be in formation at the given place and time by the higher ranking personnel orders. If the soldier does not meet that standard to whom he or she does not show up will receive a counseling statement or UCMJ. The counseling statement will state what you have done to not meet the standard and it will tell you what you must do as to correcting your actions as soldier. It does help you become a better soldier just as long as you do not repeat the same problem. As for a UCMJ action that may lead to a chapter out, meaning that you will or may get booted out the army. As for Uniformity, meaning …show more content…

As to wearing the standard uniform it will show professionalism and it shows that you work at that certain are. AS a soldier I have not been doing my job, reason why is because I arrived late to work for formation and I was not in the right uniform. Due to this mistake I have done in the past I will have to show up earlier to work on time with the correct uniform. The time formation at the Vilseck Dental clinic is at 0720 in the break room with blue scrubs on. Reason why it is important to that we should show up on time is because whichever NCO to whom is in charge of the junior enlisted can brief them and so after that they can go straight to their duties in the clinic. Duties such as Dental Assisting work; assisting the dentist, front desk, x-ray, supply, etc. I think that as a soldier we should be able to take responsibility for our actions. We are considered now as a young adult. The importance of a soldier to be accountable is because you must be at the certain at a certain time such as the soldier of the month board, land navigation, work, and other things that you are required to be at for certain

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