
Accountability: Military and Time Essay

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Accountability…. What does it mean? The responsibility of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to clearly show the results. The army definition of accountability is “the obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, funds or soldiers”. Accountability should not be taken lightly, it is important for NCOs and squad leaders to have accountability over their soldiers. This could be at a formation or meeting, or through a phone call or text message. This is one of the most important things to make sure you have in order in the Army. Poor accountability can effect not on the person missing …show more content…

For example you are told to be at work at 0900 work call, you are supposed to be there at 0850. But, you may ask, how does me not being at 0630 formation on Fort Hood for PT put other people’s lives in danger? Well, it doesn’t. But, making being on time, or even a bit early, a habit can help when you eventually do end up down range and you need to be on time for a mission. Civilians are also expected to be at their right place at the right time. The only difference is being on time is on time in the civilian world. If work is at 10:00 then as long as it’s not 10:01, then you are in the clear. Showing people you can be on time not only shows you have discipline, but you respect for your superior leaders. Punctuality shows that you are responsible, trustworthy and can follow directions. Punctuality isn't just an order that the Army requires, but also a good personal trait that is a reflection of a person’s character, it shows that you have personal integrity and self-discipline. While some of us are occasionally late due to circumstances beyond our control, habitual tardiness shows a lack of respect for other people and their time. If someone is late continually that shows that they more than likely do not care about what their NCO tells them. Nobody wants to depend on a person that can’t even simply show up for a formation that is held every day at the same time and place. In basic accountability and being on time was strongly instilled in us

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