
Why Or Why Or How Is It Effective?

Decent Essays

1) Rhetorical Device: Tautology

Actual Example from Debate: Tautology is the repetition of ideas. Carly Fiorina repeats the idea of resolving the tax issues now. “We have great conservative ideas from wonderful think tanks about how to reform the tax code. The problem is we never get it done. We have talked about tax reform in every single election for decades in it never happens and the politicians always say it’s so complicated nobody but a politician can understand it, the truth is this, the big problem is, we need a leader in Washington who understands how to get something done.”

Why or How is it effective: Tautology earns Carly Fiorina respect. It helps her show her love of country and willingness to fix issues.

2) Rhetorical Device: Parallelism

Actual Example from Debate: When asked if she wants to bring the seventy thousand page tax code to three pages, Carly …show more content…

She gives them time to contemplate these issues by speaking slowly and clearly also.

5) Rhetorical Device: Procatalepsis
Actual Example from Sermon/Speech: Carly Fiorina decides to speak freely about taxes. “How long have we been talking about tax reform in Washington D.C.? We have been talking about it for decades. We now have a 73,000 page tax code. There have been more than 40,000 changes to the tax code.”
Why or How is it effective: The statistics she gives improve her ethos and logos. She sounds informed and intelligent.

1) Rhetorical Device Anaphora said by John Kasich
Actual Example: The Red Herring he gives the audience after being asked what his weaknesses are. “I’ve watched people say we should dismantle Medicare , I’ve heard them talk about deporting 10 or 11 people here from this country, I’ve heard about tax schemes that don’t add up, we need someone who can lead, we need somebody who can balance

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