
Why People Should Recycle

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In early times everything was reused, recycled or repaired. There was no such thing as rubbish until the invention of the trash bin. With everything being thrown into trash bins, no one understood what problems landfills would later have with polluted grounds and contaminated surrounding waters.
In the world we live in, pollution is becoming a bigger problem. Most of the materials in landfills are materials that can and should be recycled. Things like, Styrofoam cups and used tires that will never biodegrade and will be around forever. Because of this, many countries have developed recycling programs and manufactures have started to only use recycled materials so that they are able to be recycled, over and over again. Surrounding countries in the world have seen the effects of not recycling and those effects the trash has on poverty stricken countries, like in the Guatemala City Garbage Dump. This landfill has shown the world that lives revolve around the trash being dump off daily. All types of trash are mixed together and dumped off, leaving hundreds of Guajero’s, (trash pickers) to sort and sell items they find within the dump. The items they find are to be sold as a recycled product for cash, or they use what they find as food and shelter. This method is then repeated when the next truck dumps off more trash, just so they can survive and see another day. Because of these devastating events from this city, countries have started to see the importance that recycling has

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