People shouldn’t own exotic animals for the reason that the animal can be a potential threat to you or family members around you also public safety is at risk and the last reason why you shouldn't own an exotic animal is animal cruelty is involved ,My first reason is You shouldn't be allowed own an exotic animal since the animal can be a potential threat to you or family members close to you “In 2009 a 2 year old was strangled by a 12 foot Burmese python,That same year a connecticut women was disfigured by a neighbours pet chimp.”.I got this information from the text (People shouldn't own exotic animals)Pg 225 lines 26-29.My next reason is that public safety is at risk. Public safety is at risk because you
cool as it may seem to have an exotic creature as a pet, the responsibilities to take care of it are very demanding and expensive. Having that animal as a pet would mean you know its diet, its natural habitat, and its capabilities. The issue at hand is that citizens are removing animals out of their natural habitat without taking the animal’s needs into consideration. With great “beasts” comes great responsibility. Not knowing how to care for an exotic animal could result in consequences that
cool as it may seem to have an exotic creature as a pet, the responsibilities to take care of it are very demanding and expensive. Having that animal as a pet would mean you know its diet, its natural habitat, and its capabilities. The issue at hand is that citizens are removing animals out of their natural habitat without taking the animal’s needs into consideration. With great “beasts” comes great responsibility. Not knowing how to care for an exotic animal could result in consequences that
best interest of the animals. As there are far more negative view points against the value of zoos, such as the use of whips electric prods, and other blunt instruments. By doing so forces innocent animals to do as humans say and what they want only for the pleasure of pleasing a crowd. The provided statistics and facts show just how wrong and completely cruel keeping animals in captivity is not right in anyway. Unfortunately, zoos cannot provide adequate space necessary for animals to roam freely and