
Why People Stay In Abusive Relationships Essay

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Introduction As previously stated, every year violence between intimate partners affects many Americans, according to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, “20 people per minute are victims of physical violence by and intimate partner in the U.S” (Centers for Disease Control, 2014, p.1). A lot of people may wonder why someone would stay in an abusive relationship knowing that they are getting harmed in many ways since even though it is hard to fight against these relations, at the end the effort is worth. By doing this research, it is shown how quitting an abusive relationship is not as simple as it looks like as there are many factors that influence this problem. Getting away from an abusive relationship is harder than it seems since it implies so many things to consider but it is important to start somewhere in order to …show more content…

The ones that will be referenced to here are economic dependence on the abuser, fear of physical harm to self or children, fear of losing custody of their child. These factors apply to many cases as they can be some problems when trying to get out of an abusive relationship, in most cases the man is the one to give economic stability to a family and they are also most likely to be the abusers in a relationship. This can cause their partner or the woman problems because if they want to get out of their relationship then they will have to get divorced and live only by their economic incomes and they will need help to get on their feet, but sometimes this is very hard and that is why they will stay in their abusive relationship, because they will not be able to sustain themselves or if they have children then they will not be able to give their children the same opportunities or good opportunities so they decide to

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