
Why Philosophy Is Still Necessary

Decent Essays

As I was attempting to brain storm for this assignment, I ran out of ideas so I decided to read the prompt again and again for inspiration and hopefully some new ideas. That is when I realized that the prompt itself had the answer that I was looking for. My answer was sitting there waiting for me in the last sentence of the prompt, “The question whether Philosophy is still necessary or not remains an intriguing question, triggering different position.” Philosophy is still necessary in our modern and scientific world today because Philosophy is the intriguing question that is triggered by several events in different positions in our daily lives. In our fast paced world today, people sometimes tend to want answers all the time without even having to ask questions and unfortunately, technology, media and social media have made that possible. If we are to agree to define Philosophy as the questioning of ourselves and our surroundings in order to acquire knowledge, we would come to realize that without Philosophy we would be living a clueless life. If it was not for Philosophy and the concept of asking questions, then Isaac Newton would have walked away from that tree to see a doctor because an apple fell on his head. However, he started questioning why the apple fell and going after what had made the apple move in the first place. Now one might argue that if it was not for science, we will never have the correct answers, thus they give science more value and cherish it more.

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