
Why Ronald Reagan Duined The Economy?

Decent Essays

intro have you ever wondered how our economy is so bad well i have so i did some research and i think i found it i think ronald reagan runined the economy so in this paper i will answer the question why ronald reagan is a bad president who ruined our economy Reagan is one of the worst presidents we have ever had. In November of 1986 the people found out that the government was secretly selling weapons and bombs to Iran in hopes that 5 american soldiers would be freed. Reagan also funded billions of dollars of weapons and training to Afghan freedom fighters, a lot of which attacked us. Many years later he also gave amnesty to over 3 million illegal immigrants, something conservatives today would be furious about. He gave amnesty because they …show more content…

ronald reagan created the war on drugs and the war on crime which made drug reladed crime rise and he had claimed that people who commit violent crimes "are not desperate people seeking bread for their families; crime is the way they've chosen to live." this shows how he has almost no knolage of the lower class and poverty and why some people do what they do.(Bureau of Justice Statistics, "Drugs and Crime Facts," (accessed Oct. 14, 2010) He also slashed federal aid to schools by more than $1 billion, and he cut the Department of Education budget by 19%(Veronique de Rugy, "President Reagan, Champion Budget-Cutter," American Institute for Public Policy Research website, June 9, 2004)his ignorence in health also showed because Reagan almost completely ignored the growing AIDS epidemic. Although the first case of AIDS was discovered in the 1980s, Reagan never addressed the epidemic until May 31, 1987 when he spoke at an AIDS conference in Washington, DC. By that time, 36,058 Americans had been diagnosed with the disease and 20,849 had died this all shows how poorly he understood poverty and what it was like being in poverty and what it made some people do and how some people needed help with drugs not to be sent to prison for the rest of there lives he also initiated the huge gap in eduication we now have today with other big countys such as china and india because of him cutting taxes for …show more content…

As Reagan slashed spending in his first term on programs such as food stamps and subsidized housing, the poverty rate climbed from 12% to 15% and unemployment rose from 7% to 11%.Reagan pledged during his 1980 campaign for president to balance the federal budget, but never submitted a balanced budget in his eight years in office. In 1981, the deficit was $79 billion and, in 1986, at the peak of his deficit spending, it stood at $221 billion. The federal debt was $994 billion when he took office in 1981 and grew to $2.9 trillion when his second term ended in 1989. US imports that were subject to some form of trade restraint increased from 12% in 1980 to 23% in 1988.Reagan's "voodoo" economic policy, where tax cuts were believed to somehow generate tax revenues, failed to account for his administration's excessive spending which increased from $591 billion in 1980 to $1.2 trillion in 1990. Reagan both increased and cut taxes. In 1980, middle-income families with children paid 8.2% in income taxes and 9.5% in payroll taxes. By 1988 their income tax was down to 6.6%, but payroll tax was up to 11.8%, a combined increase in taxes.Reagan pushed through a Social Security tax increases of $165 billion over seven years.The problem with judging Reagan’s economic policy is people associate the economy with President's terms and policies. In this case the two biggest causes of the 1970's early

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