
Why Should You Be Chosen As A Staff Member? Essay

Decent Essays

Username: Permoted Age: 14 Timezone: US est Can you record with atleast 30+ FPS?: yes. Do you have both Slack and Teamspeak?: I only use teamspeak. When did you join HCZone?: I joined 4 months ago And I learned things about the server might as well learn more If I get accepted How many hours can you play each day? 7 hours on week days. And on weekends I am currently play all day. Experience as staff: Are you currently staff on any other servers? Not right now. Why should you be chosen as a staff member?: Recording: I am good at recording and I also have a YT channel and I try to make daily content and I also am really wanting to record a staff series and make new players join HCzone I make good trailers and good videos of proof for hackers or non-hackers. fps i can record 60 fps and it is okay for me a can handle it!! Problem solving: I am really good at solving problems by finding out why the person is getting mad and how to fix that, also I am good at finding out what started the problem and how to fix it, Same with how I make people become friends again and get to the bottom of things. Honesty: I have absolutely NO reason to lie. Especially since I want to actually become a staff member, it takes honesty to fill the shoes of a staff member and I believe this would be one of my fine suits. I always say: If the shoe fits, wear it. Being Friendly: If I 'm going to be a staff member, I need to get to know all of my colleagues, and hang out with them for a bit,

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