Before I begin, I just want to state that this app will be short and straight to the point. I don't want to seem redundant so this is why I'm doing it. General Questions In-game username: _Harold Age: 16 Gender: Male Location and Time zone: Houston, Texas Central time zone How many staff applications have you made, when was your last application made? This is my third application. My last application was made November 14th but then it was later denied April 20th of this year and it said I may reapply in 1 month which is today's date May 20th. How long have you been playing Minecraft? I have been playing Minecraft for almost 4 years now. How long have you been playing on the server? I have been playing on this server since December of …show more content…
I am very active on the server and I will be even more now since it is close to summer vacation for me. This timetable will show my summer hours and my other hours starting the new school year after this summer. Saturday and Sunday vary because I have to see my mom on the weekends after the first, third, and fifth Fridays of the Month (there are only few months with 5 Fridays). Sometimes we change some weekend days due to events or weather issues. Just overall anything could happen which may make me be inactive for that day. These are approximate times, not exact times. Summer timetable: Monday - Friday: All day unless I have activities scheduled for that day. Saturday: (Hours with my mom) 8am-9am then when I get home 4pm-3am. (Not at my moms) Possibly all day. Sunday: (Hours with my mom) When I get home - 5pm-3am. (Not at my moms) 1pm-3am. Regular timetable: Monday - Friday: …show more content…
What makes you a worthwhile helper/Why we should choose you?: The first reason you should pick me to be a helper of this server is that I am very active member to the Jerry and Harry Community. I know how the flow works on here with the helpers and I feel as if I can fit in and do the job. I love challenges and if I was a helper, it would be a challenge for me to try and work to the best of my abilities. Throughout my time on this server, I've seen many rule breakers get away with things behind the other staff members back and sometimes people rarely report it. I feel that I can help out by stopping these people and help bring them to justice. Helping others to me makes me feel good not just as a member, but also as a human in general. Finally, I want to make up for the horrible things I've done when I first joined the server. That was the old me and I want to fully prove to others that I have changed into a person that is willing to work his hardest to help out in any way
7) How active are you? spend up to 6+ hours per day sometimes more if I'm not busy.
How many hours can you spend moderating the server?: On weekdays, I can usually be on about 8-11 hours a day between 3am-8pm. Unfortunately, my education comes first and I may get a bit busy with schoolwork at times. This would probably reduce my playing schedule by 6-9 hours. This will hardly happen, so I don’t see my playtime changing too much. I definitely will be most active on weekends. Here is when I can provide at least 8-11 hours a day from about 3am - 8pm. Like I mentioned before, I do have a job and will be offline for a good portion in a day. This is why I will only be on until 8pm. My job only allows me to work on some weekends, so I will most likely
1. Mon-Fri ill be on from 6:25 am to 7:30 then ill leave to school and ill get back at 2:45pm ill play till 8:00pm
How many staff applications have you made, when was your last application made?: To be honest, I am a little bit pathetic when it comes to making staff applications. This will be my fifth application...
Sad to say, But I get on everyday and for the whole day. But school is starting soon so I will be active for the evening half of the day EST time.
How active am I on the Server: Oh boy? How active? I am on the server every day. I have a very versatile schedule. During school breaks, I pretty much play on the server all day. I do attend school and that means between the times of 7am-4pm, I am most likely not active. I try my best to come as much as possible, knowing that the server is an international server with people coming from Europe and Australia. I really enjoy meeting visitors of the server.
How active are you on the Server? Recently, I just came back from an inactivity, maybe a few weeks or so back, but so far, I've been on the server every day at different times of the day. Mainly either after school, before or after work, or more obviously, days I don't have school or work. Times may vary. I also noticed I'm on when not a lot of other staff is on and I jump from server to server more often now, though, I do tend to find myself a bit more in Creative 3 working on my own builds.
How active are you on the Server? I try to get on every day, at least three to four hours.
How many hours can you put in the server per week: I have a lot of spare time to play Faithful every day for a long period of time although there are some days I will be doing stuff in really active and I currently have 2days and 21 hours playtime as a
How active are you on the Server?: Very active, I'm on most days to the point where it's the only server I
I have been playing Minecraft for a quite long time. Around 2 - 3 Years.
I am active everyday on this server as of right now in the summer but when school starts, i get home at
I have been playing on Mineplex for almost 13 months which is how long I have been playing Minecraft.
Most days playing for 4-6 hours! Recently I wasn't online as normal because of exams and study (stupid school, fml). During summer I will be on allot more because I live in Ireland and we have nothing to do here! Also the weather is always terrible so it would give me tons of time to help players!
Monday- 4-5 Hours Tuesday-4-5 Hours Wednesday- 4-5 Hours Thursday- 10-11 Hours Friday- 12-13 Hours Saturday- AllDay Sunday- AllDay