
Why Students Should Not Pass Standardized Tests In High School

Better Essays

Hector Alviar
Senior Project
Mr. Wilson, Period 4

Some special students may not pass standardized tests in high school but that doesn’t mean that they are not going to learn anything about what they want to do as their career or in life. I believe that people should judge students based on their passion rather than on their test scores because sometimes we work so hard to get there but when the teachers say “I’m sorry, but you don’t qualify to join a tech school” or meet your goals you basically …show more content…

Also some students may even needs speech therapy. What speech therapy is that it helps the students communicate better, builds confidence, and also it helps the students understand their classwork or assignment. Some special needs students also has speech therapy because they have difficultly saying sounds or speaking. This may effect their ability to do well on the test and this causes the student to not pass and understand the test. Another reason why the special needs students may need the therapy is so they can communicate with their peers so their peers can understand them better.
Some special needs students have behavior problems that can cause other students around them to be distracted and it cause the special needs students not be able to focus on their assignment. They may need some behavior counseling to help them manage their behavior. Some students also have hyper active that can cause them not to be able to sit for long period of time and that’s because sometimes they can impatient. This would affect them being able to sit for long period of time to complete and take the test. Some Special needs students’ needs support so they can be able to pass their test and their

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