
Why Teens Should Start Later Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Most people have experienced the days when the last thing wanted to be done, is to wake up and go to school. Young teen minds need plentiful sleep in order to function and develop properly, however when school begins too early, there can be damaging effects, that affects how well students learn. Forcing teens to wake up earlier for school affects students the quality of student’s performance in the classroom. Having school start at early hours in the morning forces teens to wake up often hours before the recommended nine hours for adolescents. Not enough sleep causes extended drowsiness, denying students the chance to fully focus during classes. Without a proper night’s sleep, morning classes could often be faced with drowsiness, taking away students focus in class, and impairing their learning abilities. Without complete focus in the classroom, information being teached to students is lost; without full knowledge and understanding of the material, students perform poorly on graded assignments, quizzes, and tests. Drowsiness effects how well students perform in class, and …show more content…

Forcing teens to wake at early hours of the day often causes them to get less than the recommended nine hours of sleep developing brains need, leading to the developmental issues. While at higher risk for issues like anxiety and depression means a higher risk for the psychological issues that that can get in the way of students learning, thus being a detriment to how the student performs in the classroom. While anxiety can often cause students to be too overwhelmed to do well in classes, if do anything at all. Depression can cause students to not put as much effort into school as they could, if any effort is being put in at all. Both of these damaging effects to teens developing brains negatively affects the student’s performance of how well they are doing in

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