
Why The Civil War Still Matter Analysis

Decent Essays

Throughout the American history there have been many events that have affected America in either positive or negative ways. One of the most influential events in American history was the American Civil War. The American Civil War was an internal conflict, in which the country divided between the North and South. The North, which was the Union wanted to end slavery, but the South, which was the Confederacy didn’t. This conflict led to many wars between the two sides, which were finally stopped, as the Union, led by Abraham Lincoln, ended up on top, making the country free of slavery. This occurrence brought two different perspectives of how America is today after the Civil War in the form of articles, which are called “Why the Civil War Still Matters” by Robert Hicks and “Lincoln, Liberty and Two Americas” by Charles M. Blow. …show more content…

One of the reasons that the article gives that the Civil War is important today is that, “It matters as a reflection of how much America has changed.” This means that the Civil War makes people feel proud that slavery is banned, as they reflect that slavery was in action not very long ago. Also, the fact that African Americans have a lot more freedom today than before, truly shows how America has come together as a nation. Moreover, another reason that the articles gives for the importance of the Civil War is that it sealed America as a nation, and as something that Americans can feel proud of as well as other people. In the article it says, “If the line to immigrate into this country is longer than those in every other country on earth, it is because of the Civil War.” This quote is saying that the Civil War made America be a better country, as it made people be together and stop division, and it is the reason the]at people from all over the world would want to come to this amazing

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