
Why Veterinary Technician is the Right Career for Me

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When people look back at their lives, a lot of them would like to think that they made a difference. One of these ways is by caring for an individual who could not take care of themselves. It would bring this person a sense of happiness and great relief knowing that they have done something to change an outcome, or potentially save a life. "Being a vet tech is a rewarding and life changing expierence" (Holmes 46) . Not only is being a vet tech rewarding and life changing, but it can help the world become a better place by saving one animal at a time. For someone who loves animals and spending time with them, being a vet technicians is the most suitable career choice.

A nurse is the person who comes into the room first, and takes note of whats wrong with a person. They also do the quick checks like temperauture, weight, and blood pressure. A vet tech does a lot fo the time duties that a nurse will do, but for animals instead of people. As a nurse is to a docter, a Veterinary Technician is a technical assitant to a Veterinatian. For someone who is interested in becoming a veterianian one day, being a vet technican is the perfect way to test the waters.

A veterinary Technician is not permitted to treat animals like a veterianary would. A vet tech is responsible for most of the task in a vets office, but they leave the diagnosing, and surgery to a actual veteraniran. A vet tech is also not allowed to perscribe medicine. Even though A vet tech cannot do these task, they

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