
Why Was Gloria Steinem Important

Decent Essays

Who was Gloria Steinem? Why did she gain recognition? Why is she important? Well Gloria Steinem is an American feminist. She’s a Socialist Political activists. She is also a writer, editor, and a lecturer. She is one of the founders of Ms. Foundation for women. She also got married even tho she was opposed to the whole marriage concept. She married David Bale, and he was an environmentalist animal rights activist. She is also famous for some of the magazines that she has created. She now writes influential books for women.

Gloria Steinem graduated from Smith College and went to India on a scholarship. While writing an article for the New York’s Playboy for Show magazine. She was interested in the women's movement. “Steinem became more engaged in the women’s movement after reporting on an abortion hearing given by the radical feminist group known as the Redstockings” She was also involved in the American feminist movement in the 1960’s and 1970’s. In 1971 she joined a group of feminists. Together they formed “The National Women’s Political Caucus”. …show more content…

She first gained recognition when she wrote the article on domestic violence for Ms. magazine. She became recognized in 1960’s and 1970’s as a leader and spokeswoman for the American feminist movement. She faced many obstacles like criticism while she was still gaining recognition. Gloria ignored all the hatred and continued to speak out about women uses. She gave speeches and lectures and even wrote articles on the topic of woman uses. “She participated in the founding of the Coalition of Labor Union Women, Voters for Choice, and Women Against

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