
Why Was The Bill Of Rights Important

Satisfactory Essays

First of all, adding a bill of rights would limit the freedom of the American people. Listing a series of specific rights could end up being problematic. Recording every right is near to impossible. Rights not listed could potentially be a problem In addition, the constitution was believed to cover the rights of the people making the Bill of Rights redundant. Things such as Article 1 Section 9, ex post facto laws, mak it so legislation cant pass a law which deems past actions which were once legal, illegal.The constitution did not give congress the ability to take away rights. In federalist paper #84 Alexander Hamilton argued that there was no need to list things such as freedom of press when no one posses the power to take that right away. They also argued that there was no way to back up the Bill of Rights, since the supreme court did not declare things unconstitutional until 1804. …show more content…

They were afraid of a strong centralized government and without outlining the rights of which every citizen had, they could easily be manipulated and could easily have their natural rights infringed upon. After all, they just got out of a conflict in which they just won these rights. They still had a fear instilled within them that these rights could easily be invaded, so they wanted to do everything they could to secure them. The Bill of Rights is the Magna Carta for the american people, a document that insures the government can abuse their power. Ultimately the Framers ratifying the Bill of Rights was mandatory to ensure the Constitution would be

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