
Why We Should Abortion Be Illegal

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Abortion must be illegal in order to save the lives of the unborn. Nobody deserves to be killed by cause of an unwanted pregnancy. Can you imagine a world without no babies being born? We will have “nobody to love us unconditionally”. The process of an abortion leaves the woman with the feeling of neglect and regret. Nobody should let a baby die, that’s why they could give them up for adoption. Abortion is the definition of murdering, there’s many solutions and other ways out that could help you eliminate abortion. Even though abortion is ending with innocent children’s lives, nobody actually cares how this situation is developing. A large number of countries ban abortion while others institutions fight against it, in order, to end the usage of abortions, everyone should understand the threatening consequences that can cause towards our bodies. …show more content…

While approximately 50% of females are affected at an older age and can’t have babies any more. This risky method, can end your life and affect your body later on. If you’re not planning on having babies use protection that could prevent pregnancy. After all, abortion is a dangerous procedure and legal abortion should be eliminated from all states of the United States. A girl named Kathy was pregnant at age 14 she found out during her 20 weeks pregnant, she said that she needed advice before making her choice and has experienced trauma since then. Kathy who experiences abortion regrets making the decision she says, “The decision to abort my child was not a solution to a problem, but the source of many of my problems from then

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