
Why We Shouldn T Have Phones In Class

Decent Essays

Timmy was having the best time talking to people on his phone that was until he was caught in class using his phone. He got his phone taken away by the teacher and got it at the end of the day which left Timmy with a bad mood for the rest of the day. Although using cell phones in class for school tools may be good for students, they can also be distractions like using social media applications in class, it could be used for cheating on class activities, and some students are given a rule about using cell phones in class and they still will break the rule. These are some examples on why students shouldn’t have their phones during class. You may be thinking students using their phones at school isn’t such a bad thing but when they’re used multiple times in class it turns into a big problem.

Here’s the first problem, students are starting to use social media apps on a daily basis. It is said by many teachers that students are caught using social media during class. For example “Students persistently use them a great deal for personal interactions via social media when they should be paying attention in class”. This is a big problem because millions of students are on social media and a lot of times they are on it while a lecture is going on and then when it’s over they are confused on how to do an assignment later on. …show more content…

Some people think that phones should stay in school but doing this is basically allowing students to do non school related things on them. “Critics believe, however, that allowing these devices will only encourage their non-educational use in school, to the point, where they will be a significant distraction for teachers and students and a potential tool for cheating”, says Kinjo Kiema. Nowadays people are starting to come up with new ways to cheat on school related things and most of it is done on cell

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