
Why Won 't You Let Me Play? Essay

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As a human with no physical or learning disabilities, the culture and lifestyle of those with disabilities is still new to me. After watching Murderball, a documentary that focuses on the U.S. quadriplegic rugby team, I was happy to find out that there are still many opportunities for disabled individuals to participate in sports. Through dedication and training, it seemed that anything was possible for these athletes. Unfortunately, it appears that those with mental/learning disabilities are not presented with as equal opportunities for success in sports. Lauren McKeon’s “Why Won’t You Let Me Play?” focuses on the discrimination that takes place within the Special Olympics. After looking at the Paralympics and Special Olympics through the lenses of Murderball and “Why Won’t You Let Me Play”, it has become clear that people with disabilities do not have equal opportunities in sports, but this issue is not only prevalent in sports. Special Olympic athletes seem to face far greater exclusion compared to Paralympic athletes in athletics, daily life, and American culture. Paralympic athletes are provided with more opportunities to succeed and advance in their respective sports. In the film Murderball, Mark Zupan is shown talking to paraplegics at a hospital. He discusses the sport of quadriplegic rugby as well as the accomplishments he has accumulated as a paraplegic. By taking the time to talk to paraplegics, Mark is giving these people new hope and introducing a whole new

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