
Wild Style Essay

Decent Essays

Wild Style is a hip hop film that was produced by Charlies Ahearm in 1983. This movie is considered to be one of the most influential films in a hip hop history, because it is the first hip-hop motion picture and has main elements of hip hop in it. After the soundtracks of the movie had been released, people started to know more about a culture of hip hop. The movie plot also makes it even more interesting. This movie travels back in time to the period that hip hop was not well-known and was among a small group of people. Zoro is the New York City boy who has a passion for hip hop culture, especially graffiti. Even though other people disagree with his decision, Zero still tries to prove his belief when he is hired to paint a stage on a hip hop concert event. The several elements of hip hop are seen in this movie and are all interacted as he says “[Graffiti artist] makes those letter dance” (2). In this paper, I will illustrate how Wild Style shows the interconnection of two main hip hop’s elements that are mostly involved in this film: graffiti and breakdancing. First of all, graffiti is a hip hop’s element that can be seen throughout the film. As a matter of fact, we first see it in a very beginning of the film. A young male climbs down a rope to spray and leave his signature on a wall is an opening sequence …show more content…

In addition to graffiti, we see a lot of breakdancing scenes in this movie. The example is when the white journalist Virginia go to a black club with Zoro, Phade, and Hector. In this scene, we see a full element of hip hop. Everyone can dance in this scene, even young kids. One thing that makes this scene interesting is the fact that, in the old days” a club in black community is more like a meet-up place. It is a gathering space where everyone can come and enjoy the music. Everyone is welcome to go on a stage and rap. Everyone has a freedom of speech, but also respect others’

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