
Will We Ever Be At Peace?

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Will We Ever Be At Peace?
(A discussion on self-discipline through the work of The Bhagavad Gita)

Run here, do this, go there, do that. People are constantly on the move. From the time our alarm clock goes off in the morning to when we crawl into bed at night, we are always moving about and doing something. With so much going on in the lives of people, is there really any way for someone to find complete peace in the world? Conferring with some people, peace can be attained through several different methods. According to the Bhagavad Gita, there is a way to fully achieve complete and total inner peace through discipline. The Bhagavad Gita is a religious poem embedded within a vastly larger epic called The Mahabharata. The author, …show more content…

David R. Hodge, in his article, discusses some of what religious Hindu text contains. “Bhagavad-Gita, in one of the most popular texts…Transformative religious experience based on spiritual disciplines, rather than doctrinal concerns, is of central concern for most Hindus. Thus, in practice, Hindus tend to draw from all three paths, emphasizing various components on the basis of their caste, education, geographic location, personal tastes, stage of life, and so forth,” (Hodge). The assumption from this texts tells the reader that this work is not only popular but also very influential. People that read this text draw from their own lives and tend to focus on what they need help with, like education, work, etc. This work was not only extremely valuable to the people of the time when it was written, but it continues to influence Hindu people today. Ghatak, Sambuddha, and E Ike Udogu piggy back on the same idea presented by Hodge. “The sanctity of caste is extolled too in the Bhagavad Gita (one of the religious scriptures of Hinduism), the great exposition of spiritual teaching which is contained within the ancient Mahabharata epic. The principles of caste as a universal law are further elaborated in verse on human conduct, morality and sacred obligations,” (Ghatak, Sambuddha, E Ike Udogu). Again, the idea is reiterated that this work discusses how people should act when trying to attain their ultimate goal of

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