
Willa Cather's Adolescence : The Quest For Personal Autonomy?

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Adolescence: The Quest for Personal Autonomy
“When the right moment came, he jumped. As he fell, the folly of his haste occurred to him with merciless clearness, the vastness of what he had left undone (Cather, 15).” In this excerpt, Paul is faced with ultimate reality right before he dies realizing that there are so many other places he has yet to see. The adolescent life comes with many struggles especially because of the psychological changes that are occurring during the time of development. In Willa Cather’s narrative, “Paul’s Case,” Paul’s relationship with his widowed father isn’t the most ideal relationship, especially because he often revolves his thoughts around his own emotions, disregarding how the people around him feel about his actions. Similarly, in James Joyce’s “Eveline,” Eveline also has a conflicting relationship with her widowed father that, on the other hand, prevents her from living her own life because of the promise she made to her mother right before she passed away. The two characters that have been impacted by their parental relationship are both Paul and Eveline, because of the lack partnership they have with their parental figures, the disassociation with their fathers have caused their decisions to affect their quest for personal autonomy as young adults. Paul’s relationship with his father has caused a great repercussion on the decisions in his life because of the lack of relationship they have with each other and the effect of the death of

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