
William Faulkner 's A Rose For Emily

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It is William Faulkner’s unique ability to create a character that the audience will sympathize for but also feel animosity towards that makes “A Rose for Emily” so page-turning. The antagonist, Emily Grierson, is a pretty mysterious woman. Her father dies, she is left with almost nothing, she meets a man, and then she stops leaving her house. In literature, the tone is the narrator’s attitude towards his/her subject. Additionally, the style of a short story is the way the writer structures the plot and the manner that it is conveyed. In “A Rose for Emily”, it is almost impossible to truly look into the mind of this narrator because he informs the audience so many emotions that the general society has towards Emily’s reticent personality. Thus, Emily becomes more and more isolated, in which she takes a step further and stops leaving her house altogether. And the writer does a great job in expressing this. In long, vivid sentences fraught with jarring diction and compassionate tones, William Faulkner exposes the reality of society’s alienation towards a possibly insane individual.
“A Rose for Emily” begins right off with the speaker clarifying that “when Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral” (204). It is clear that this speaker and the town are respectful towards her death, where men symbolized her as “a fallen monument”. She is even buried in the cemetery that held “ranked… anonymous graves of Union and Confederate soldiers who fell at the battle of the

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