
William Faulkner 's A Rose For Emily

Better Essays

Lisa Lyons
Professor Amy Green
Writing about Literature COM1102
Oct. 06, 2015

William Faulkner 's "A Rose for Emily" is a short story that has also been adapted into a short film; both have been largely debated. Faulkner’s lack of a normal chronology and situation-triggered memories generates a story that has many understandings among its readers, but surprises everyone at the end. When asked about the title of his story, Faulkner said," [The title] was an allegorical title; the meaning was, here was a woman who had had a tragedy, an irrevocable tragedy and nothing could be done about it, and I pitied her and this was a salute . . . to a woman you would hand a rose." (Faulkner, William 1966 ;) He gave a humble explanation, for such a complex story.
Death and transformation are the main theme in Faulkner’s short story, being a sign of the crumbling of the Old South after their military defeat by the North, as Emily’s suggested necrophilia echoes the desire to hang on to the past and its traditions. Through flashbacks and foreshadowing, Faulkner addresses the struggle of traditional versus progress in Jefferson, the south being a region bound by history and tradition, class and social influence. Emily represents to generations before and after her old South nobility. Even the town 's people are having a hard time letting go of old southern societal ideals. Their obsession with Emily and her family is a sign of society 's way of holding on to these old values. The narrator

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