
William Golding's Lord of the Flies Essay

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Symbolic significance and an In-depth look in the characters of this story In viewing the aspects of the island society, the author William Golding's Lord of the Flies as a symbolic microcosm of society. He chooses to set the children alone in an unsupervised world, leaving them to learn ' the ways of the world' in a natural setting first hand. Many different perspectives can also be considered. Golding's island of marooned youngsters becomes a microcosm. The island represents the individual human and the various characters represent the elements of the human psyche. In My readings I learned that there were deep physiological symbols which led me to investigate into numerous psychology and sociology books. I realized that Golding's …show more content…

The term serves as a dual intent in its psychodynamic and physically sexual sense. Jack's unwillingness to acknowledge the conch as the source of centrality on the island and Ralph as the seat of power is consistent with the portrayal of his self-importance. Jack's lack of compassion for nature, for others, and ultimately for himself is evidenced in his needless hunting. This is proved by his role in the brutal murders of Simon and Piggy, and finally in his burning of the entire island, even at the cost of his owns life. In much the same way, Piggy's demeanor and very character links him to the superego, the conscience factor in Freud's model of the psyche. Golding marks Piggy with the distinction of being more intellectually mature than the others, branding him with a connection to a higher authority: At the very beginning of the story Piggy remarks to Ralph " aren't there any adults at all?" this shows his nervousness being in a situation without anyone to supervise or watch over the actions of the ' children.' the outside world. It is because the superego is dependent on outside support that Piggy fares the worst out of the three major characters due to the isolation of the island. Piggy is described as being more socially compatible with adults, and carries himself with a sense of rationale and purpose that often serves as Ralph's moral compass in crisis; although Ralph initially uses the conch to call the

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