
William Kamkwamba Character Traits

Decent Essays

There are many traits that could describe William Kamkwamba. A few of those qualities are; determined, seeing the best in any situation and genius. His inventions got him a long way in life. Also his inventions helped his family survive those tough Malawian famines and made his life in Southern Africa a little more luxurious, even though it was far from opulent. William Kamkwamba, just your normal African boy struggling to even receive one minuscule meal a day. The boy who could attend school since the famine wreaked havoc on the Kamkwamba family. “Thinking of them reminds me of a quote I read recently from the great Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. that says, "If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, crawl." We must

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