
Controversy Of William Shakespeare

Decent Essays

According to many scholars, William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, spent time in London, and returned to Stratford until 1616 when he met his death. In his life documentation, there are records of things such as his marriage to Anne Hathway and his children’s birth. However, there contains no evidence that he composed the 37 plays and 154 sonnets attributed to him, which according to history it is the greatest body of work of the English language. The absence of this proof of authorship makes many people skeptical, wondering how a man from such humble beginnings and education come by such wealth of insight, high knowledge of life in the English court, and understanding of legal and political matters. There are about thousands of books and articles whereby people have proposed their candidates to be the true author of the Shakespeare canon (Bruster 23). Some of these candidates include Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, and Edward de Vere , the 17th Earl of Oxford, who is the most favored candidate of the three (Betteridge and Gregory 14). In the …show more content…

He started being noticed in the writing world as early as 1592, in a pamphlet by Robert Greene that refers to him as the work of a veteran writer wary of new blood. There are also records dating back in 1594 and 1595 containing good reviews to his Lucrece. By around 1598, Shakespeare was already famous to be worth of the publishers of the time, as they attached his name to works they wanted to sell. He also received praise of people like Richard Barnfield and Francis Meres in 1598 for writing an essay titled ‘Comparative Discourse of our English Poets’ in which he accounted for eighty English writers, Edward de Vere included. In 1605, his fame was evident when he got praises from one the most recognized historians of the time, William Camden, terming him as one of the best contemporary writers (Vickers

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