
William Shakespeare Research Paper

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Shakespeares life and death athrought his death and beyond. He was known a the “Bard of avon” and he was called “Engands national poet” and was and still is consideed the greatest dramatist poet of all time.

“The devilcan site scripute fo his puprose-shakespeare”

William shakespeare, the son of john and mary shakespeare, was born on april 23, 1564 in statford-upon avon united kingdom. His education begian at the age of six. There are no records of him attending, but it is belived that he went to new to kings new school. The school wa for boys only. he would attend from 6am to 6pm. He had no vation or holidays. William lived the longest out of his sliblings , joan , maragaret, gilbet, anne, richard and edund. Williams parents

William shakespeare was a great nfluence in hs early life, his acccomplishments, and were married around 1556-1558, they had a catholic sevice …show more content…

He wrote a total of 37 plays revolving around several themes: history,tragedies,comedies and tragicomedies. The plays he written troughout the years was his greatest achievments. Another one of his greatest achevements was being called “englands greatest national poet”. His most famous love story written was romeno and juliet. Shakespeare also wrote alot of great comedies in his life time. Shakespeare also had a wife name Ann Hathway and twins named Hamnet and Judth, they had another girl named Sussann. Hamnet was his only son, he died at the age of 11.

Shakespeare died on april 23, 1616, he was 52 when he died. It was said that he drank too much at his daughters wedding and died. He left a bulk of estate to his daughter susanna. His wife, anne famously recived his “second-best bed”. He was buried at statford church. He had a staying on his tomb that said “blessed be the that spares me these stones, and cursed be he that moves my bone”. His remains have yet to be disturbed, despite the request by archeologists to revail what killed

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