
William Shakespeare 's A Midsummer Night 's Dream, Julius Caesar, And Hamlet

Decent Essays

The Use of Structure in a Shakespearean Play:

Structure in Henry the V

Authors use structure in their written or performed pieces of work to further the reader or viewer’s understanding of the plot, to illuminate and widen the perception of a certain text. This is so in the case of Shakespeare and his many plays; Shakespeare makes incredibly meticulous use of the structure and order in which the events occur to more specifically make the point he is anticipating the reader to grasp. Many authors do this, but Shakespeare deserves a closer look, as he is one of the most famous, if not the most famous, classic literature artist who understood this concept broadly. A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Julius Caesar, and Hamlet all display Shakespeare’s understanding of the rhythm of events that contribute to the overall understanding of a piece of work. Moreover, Henry V is a play that does this with a magnanimity of eloquence, in which Shakespeare arranges the speeches, wars, and comedy in a perfect chronological order to please the reader. Most of Shakespeare’s work ends in the protagonist, depending on how many there are, tragically dying and leaving the reader or viewer motionless, irritated at the fact that the story will not go on with that character. Henry the V is different in this aspect because the play leaves the reader very satisfied, they have experienced the building up of certain characters, they have experienced suspense, a climax with the highest form of action,

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