
William Shakespeare 's Julius Caesar

Decent Essays

Brutus: Honorbound to the Grave
Of all the phenomenal, as well as tyrannical, Roman rulers throughout history, Julius Caesar is by far the most prominent. This fame is due in no small part to William Shakespeare and his play that bears the same name. However, although Caesar is the play’s namesake, the story’s central focus is on Brutus and Caius Cassius and their plot to assassinate Caesar. When discussing Antony’s fate in Act II scene 1 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Brutus argues against what he perceives as the unnecessary and brutal action of killing Antony with imperfectly uniform sentence structure, juxtaposition of contrasting words, and symbolic physiological comparisons that illuminate both the confidence and unity of his rationale and highlight his tragic naivety and idealism.
By employing almost uniform syntax, Brutus reveals the confidence he has in his rationale, as well as foreshadows the root of his inexorable demise with the slight deviations in structure. In this passage, most lines are comprised of a single phrase or clause with no internal pauses. By minimizing gaps in the sentence, this mirrors Brutus’ intention to keep Caesar’s assassination simple and prevent it from “[seeming] too bloody” with the added assassination of Antony. (II.i.162). This also symbolizes how Brutus’ logic justifying Caesar’s death is leaves very little room for doubt or error, and thus perceives Antony’s murder is an irrational, superfluous addition to the conspirator’s plan.

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