
William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Decent Essays

In Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" are very few female characters that is caused by the story - the son must avenge his father's killer , the mother 's uncle . Nevertheless images of Gertrude , Queen of the Danish and Ophelia , daughter of royal adviser Polonius , played in the tragedy very important role . In these two images are not simply embodied many typical female character traits - as worthy , and not so . In the process of communication with these women reveal deeper characters of Hamlet and his enemy , King Claudius , and partly late father and characters of Hamlet and Polonius , who for the sake of the royal favor ready to jeopardize his own daughter .

"O woman , your name - treachery ! " - Hamlet exclaims , lamenting the fact that his mother was very quickly forgotten his father and married his brother. However, one can hardly rightfully call Gertrude treacherous - rather frivolous . Know this woman the truth about the death of her first husband , she would , of course, hardly dared to link its fate with his killer. However, this lack of knowledge does not justify the act of women. "In the summer, like yours, do not live by storms and head " - Hamlet 's mother rebukes , indicating what kind of man she forgot obscenely fast and traded on those who "like ear , struck corruption ." But despite the levity, which does not befitting the mother having an adult son , and especially the queen , Gertrude is not devoid of decent quality . So , it is doubtless sincere love

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