
William Tyndale Research Paper

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William Tyndale was born in 1494 in Gloucestershire, England. His family moved to Gloucestershire in the 15th century. He started to get an education at the Magdalen Hall. He studied theology after he got his Bachelor Degree and Master Degree. They moved to Gloucestershire most likely because of the War of Roses. His family came from Northumberland. Tyndale has two separate family trees. His brother Sir William Tyndale was knighted when the Prince of Wales and Catherine of Aragon got married.
In 1512, he earned his Bachelor degree and his Masters in 1515. Although he started early, Tyndale later complained of his masters pursuit “They have ordained that no man shall look on the Scripture, until he be noselled in heathen learning eight or nine years and armed with false principles, with which he is clean shut out of the understanding of the Scripture.” Tyndale was an excellent …show more content…

He then started to roam the streets freely and giving lectures wherever he was allowed to do so.
William left England, and later arrived at the continental europe in the spring of 1524. He started to translate the New Testament when he arrived, he was working on it in Wittenberg. There was an entry found in a matriculation register at the University of Wittenberg, it was identified as evidence of latinisation. He later completed it in 1525 with some extra help from William Roy.
In 1525, Williams work was getting published by Peter Quentell but was later interrupted by the impact of anti-lutheranism. A complete edition of Williams work was officially produced by Peter Schöffer in 1526. Sooner or later more copies were copied in Antwerp. The new book was then snuck into England and Scotland, but was condemned by Bishop Tunstall in October, 1526. Tyndale was condemned as a heretic in court by Cardinal

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