
William Wordsworth Syntactic And Semantic Features

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The Syntactic and semantic Features In the first stanza, the poet introduces the attractive and striking grove where he enjoys nature and at the same time also has “sad thoughts”. The second stanza explains why there are “sad thoughts”. The reason is because nature linked human soul to her fair works, and the soul run through me and the thought of “what man has made of man” makes me grief. Wordsworth draws the phrase “to her fair works” from the last of sentence to the first, which emphasizes the “fair works” of nature.

We already mentioned that Wordsworth speaks highly of nature, here through the syntactical deviation, we can see how Wordsworth appreciates and enjoys nature’s beauty and harmony. The next deviation appears in the third …show more content…

In the third stanza, different flowers in “that green bower” are pictured. “Through primrose tufts” indicates that primrose is just the background, the focus is on periwinkle, which “trailed its wreathes”. Here Wordsworth personifies flowers, the verbs “trail, enjoy and breathe” shows that the poet considers them as something full of thoughts and lives. And no matter what kind of them, no matter what role they are playing, “every flower enjoys the air it breathes.” See how harmonious the flowers …show more content…

They hopped and played. Here again the poet uses personification to show how the birds are in accord with nature and how happy they are. Now let’s pay more attention to the second line “Their thoughts I cannot measure—”. In ordinary life, we usually will express it in this way “I cannot measure their thoughts”. The object “their thoughts” is marked. On the one hand, it shows once again Wordsworth likes to put nature in the first place.

On the other hand, it is coherent with the whole stanza, because the focus is on the birds. If putting “I” in the first, then the coherence will not be so good. The fifth stanza is devoted to “the budding twigs”. Personification is used again. We see the twigs “spread out” their fan to “catch” the air and the twigs must be in pleasure as well. In these three stanzas, the flowers, birds and twigs are all personified and they are all greatly pleasant in the harmonious natural world.

The sixth stanza comes back to the sad thoughts of the poet. After the descriptions of the beauty and harmony of nature, when we think again “what man has made of man”, we cannot but lament. The sorrow here reaches its climax. So here the poet uses a rhetorical question “Have I not reason to lament/ what man has made of man?” to show his powerful feelings.

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