Hey I'm Henry Smith my parents died 6 years ago when I was 10. Willie Jones took me in when I was 13. Willie has 2 boys Andrew and Jack. They both get along very well, they see me as an older brother. It's been a crazy 3 years but then 5 weeks ago My life changed. Willie told me that we would be going on the Oregon trail he said he wanted me to start a new life... A life on my own. I was pretty scared because I didn't want to leave my best friend Thomas he's another orphan and sometimes he likes to sleep at Willies. Willie said that we'd be leaving in 7 weeks. We have been preparing very generously these past 4-5 weeks. I didn't know how much stuff Willie had until I saw everything. He had things from First Aid to a Spare Yoke for our oxen. Willie wanted to have me prep the …show more content…
From home I am taking my Bible, extra set of clothes, bacon 25lbs, Jar of axel grease, harmonica, matches, rifle, 2 packets of bullets (40 bullets). I got to independence by riding on a flat boat it was fun but scary at times. We decided to take a cones toga because Willie already had 1. While I was crossing the river to get to the independence I discovered many new animals it went from a border collie to a bear there were so many I don't know what to do with my life. I had to abandon my best friend Tommy he was scared of water so we had to leave him. Willie Jones knew some people so that's how we found a wagontrain to join. Joe King was our train later he's very smart and strong willed I think Wheely would be a better leader just because I know him better I like how we have to feed her animals so they survive because I think it's really important that they get their food I think one of the rules I should be change if we have to travel in the same light every day like let's say that it was joking then Bailey then Willy we would have to stay like that everyday. We decided to take a Horse because oxen are slow and we got two
Gun shots, car alarms, sirens from police cars or ambulances, and hustlers and gangsters yelling under my window are what I remember hearing every night growing up in Washington, D.C. Trying to raise a young male was hard, especially coming from the 8th ward projects of Green Valley Avenue. My father, Gary W. Hodnett Sr., was able to raise five children with all of these negative distractions that our community dealt him. He is the most significant person in my life, and I admire him so much. He has taught me so much about becoming a man and raising a family. I think my father was a fantastic provider, a great teacher, and a wonderful spiritual leaders and I wouldn’t change nothing about him.
It has been ten years since Fred left for Vancouver. Fred is now twenty-seven, but still in the seventeen-year-old body he was when he was turned into a wretched monster. He still thinks of the day that he left behind Bree and Diego, part of him wishes that he had stayed, instead of going to Vancouver. He also remembers the cold, dreary day in Seattle, walking home on his usual route, not having a care in the world, because everyday was the same, until he saw the man from the newspapers. The man in the newspapers was mentioned everywhere. No one knew where Riley, a nineteen-year-old college student would have went. Fred thought about how idiotic it was to ask Riley if he was okay- maybe he would still be a human. Fred sulked as he walked home from the fifth high school he has went to.
When we left Independence a little over a week ago we ran into many difficulties. It was so jammed on the way out that it took us about 3 hours to get out of there. The train in front of us had an accident where one of the wagons lost a wheel while going uphill and fell down ruining most of the wagons in it's path. I hope everyone is okay. Then, while we were going up the same hill, one of the mules pulling the wagon ahead of us decided it
My names Linn and i’m 24 years old, this morning my husband gave me some horrible and good news. The bad news is that our family is going on the Oregon trail and that means we're leaving Illinois, where I grew up my whole life and our family dog, but the good news he said about going on the Oregon trail is that when we get to our destination we're gonna have a lot more farm land. Today we're gonna try and find a wagon. We went to our friends house to see if the have a wagon we can use and it happens that the do it's a Prairie Schooner and they gave it to us for a lower price than what they wanted it for. We hooked our horse up to the wagon and we were on our way back home. When we got home, we automatically started to pack. My husband James, who is 25 years old
The next morning, Mr. Cassidy woke up early, dressed and was ready for the hearing, he was anxious to save his home. Since he wasn’t familiar with the streets, he left the house in plenty of time to find the office in Charleston. When he arrived, he found the building, but he needed to find the parking structure. At last, he saw it on the opposite side of the street and went across to it. While looking for an empty space, he saw one and parked beside a new BMW. When he got out of the truck and straightened his clothes, he noticed Louise Anderson, The President of the Women’s Club getting out of the BMW.
On the morning of September 27, 1997, in Atlanta, Georgia I was born to Ralph and Vivian Baker. My full name is Philip Christopher Daniel Baker, which in my opinion is a very long name. I am the youngest of three children in my family. Matthew, 24, is the oldest child and Lauren, 23, is the middle child. My career aspirations are to become a successful financial manager for athletes. As a person I feel I am reserved and quiet and as a result not many people get to know me for who I really am. My life revolves around travelling as well as sports and managing finances.
I am not from San Antonio. I am not from Texas. I’m from California. Where no one twangs, or drawls, or even says hi to the stranger standing in line at the grocery store. Texas, half way across the U.S and what seems like a whole other country compared to California. It is a completely different place that I could have ever imagined living and calling home. I came to Texas to find myself. I didn’t know that when I came here, but it is what ended up happening.
Kenneth Edward Stanton. Single handedly the most important man in my life, and also my step-father. Not many men would take in someone else’s children and raise them like his own. He has influenced me infinitely and I don’t think he even realizes it. He has shaped me into the man I am today. He showed me that not all men are the same, and I have the chance to make my own path; be my own man. I am beyond blessed to have such an amazing man in my life, and I thank God for his very being. My mother was a single mom with four children working hard and doing her best to provide for us. That’s when Kenneth was sent into our lives.
Every single person has their own unique identity and culture.At first when I moved to Lafayette from my hometown it was like being a White Tiger around all regular tigers.I didn't really fit in and I kinda stood out because I wasn't from Lafayette.I moved to Lafayette from my hometown in the summer of 2015.My cultural identity fits me because of my accent.
Jessie J’s journey from her childhood, dealing with bullies and a heart condition has lead her to be a remarkable singer on the rise to fame. Starting her career at the age of eleven performing in the West End production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Whistle Down the Wind but followed shortly after at the age of 18, she had a stroke which made her life a crazy ride.
My whole adult life I was always the chunky girl, my weight is always something I have battled and lost time and time again. I learned to live with it but I do not want to anymore.I have been very blessed to find a very supportive husband who loves me and thinks im beautiful the way I am.
When thinking about the neighborhood, school has to come to mind. Mr. Ellis, my third grade teacher, prided himself on educating students. No matter the problem Mr. Ellis would try to help in any way possible, which without a doubt makes Mr. Ellis my favorite teacher. An example of the undying devotion Mr. Ellis shows Other than Everett, the Capital Area Career Center was one of the best schools around Ingham. Understudies could pick any class that fit their field of study. As the understudies work through their class they can acquire school credits which can trade to Lansing Community college or Davenport just to give a couple of cases. Assignments sanctioned us to learn the required information while being able to work at our own particular
Has anyone ever thought of one of your daily routines as being an art form. Well cosmetology is the practice of that. Thousands of women and men wake up every morning to make others look beautiful. Their main motivation; art. But most people try to hate on the people who work so hard to make them look like they want to. They’re looked at as stupid and ditzy. People believe that this a last resort job. I’m here to prove that wrong.
The voice in my head, normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at me to run. That was exactly what was going through my five year old mind when I walked around the hallway corner to see my mother being beat to her death by my biological father, Brax Magnus. As I tried so hard to stay and defend my mom, I could not help but panic and so I ran. I ran so far until I seen a small gas station. I went inside to find a phone, but realized I did not know who to call. The cashier, seeing that I was crying and looked panic, walked over to me.
Hi I’m Cade right now I’m sitting at a table afraid to stand up for myself, let me rewind. I’m 11 years old and I’m I live with my mom and two sisters. We have three dogs, two cats and one horse. As you can tell we love animals! My dad and mom split up when I was about 9-10 years old when this happened. So my dad moved to ludlow Vermont. He met a girl named Lily and they started dating. We hung out with her we would alternate weekends so every other weekend was his. He stayed there and after awhile he moved to Rutland. He and Lilly decided to get married I was 11 years old. I didn’t know I felt until the the ceremony started then it just past in a blink of an eye and they were married. I guess i was okay with it I really like Lily. I was really unsure but I really didn’t stop to release my feelings or anything. Im not that kind of person I don’t cry I don’t have feelings the end of this story is why I think I don’t cry. Anyway lets stay on task. So we spent weekends there with them and it was fun they had a dog named Newt he was a goof. We went and did some things with them we went apple picking swimming, and we just hung out. Now they have been married for a few months It’s October now we have still been doing every other weekend when we can. They moved out of where they were staying in rutland and are now renting a place in West Rutland. It’s cool there they have a big basement where we race this remote control cars. We spent time indoors when it was really cold