
Wilson's Trouble-Personal Narrative

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It was 1993, a particularly cold morning in late December with ice and snow all over the ground. Wilson was driving to school with his best friend, Jimmy. Out of the corner of Wilson’s eye he saw Tim , one of his classmates who he liked to mess with. Wilson got the great idea of driving really close to him in an attempt to scare him. Wilson slammed on the gas and headed straight towards him. Tim, not knowing what to do just stood there in panic. Jimmy was in the passenger's seat yelling at Wilson to go faster and faster. Wilson swerved around Tim just missing him by only a couple yards. This wasn’t just a one day thing for Tim. He always got harassed and bullied by Wilson.
Wilson Lowe was raised by wealthy parents, lived in a very large and …show more content…

Wilson aggressively marched towards Tim’s door, knocked on it, and waited. Wilson heard something on the other side of the door so Wilson shouted, “I know you’re there Tim, you don’t have to hide!” The door opened and it was an elderly man. Surprised, Wilson said, “Oh, I’m, uh, sorry sir, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
The elderly man looked at Wilson in disgust and said, “Get off my property or I'm going to call the cops.” Wilson didn’t listen to the old man and asked where Tim was. The old man then proceeded to pull out a double barrel shotgun he had sitting against the wall right next to the door. The old man pointed it at Wilson and said once again, “Get off my property.”
Wilson backed up but before he could turn around and go down a couple wooden steps he slipped on a sheet of ice and bashed his head against the ground. Wilson got up holding his head. He looked at his hand and saw blood. Wilson ran towards his car holding his head worried if his cut was bad or not. He got in his car and drove to the hospital. As Wilson was pulling into the hospital his car started to slide on ice; at this point Wilson could care less if his car hit something, he just wanted to get in the …show more content…

Wilson was going to get out of the hospital that day; as he walked out to his car he noticed that someone had slashed his tires. Wilson yelled, “My life couldn’t get any worse!” Just as he said that he got mugged by a homeless man. With only a shirt and pants Wilson walked home in the cold and traitorous snow. Wilson didn’t know what to do at this point; he was in a pickle. He didn’t have a car and he had no family he could go to. All the friends he had weren’t his friends anymore because of how he treated them. The only thing he had left to do was buy a new car with all the money that he owned and build his self confidence up by looking in a mirror and complimenting himself. This time it was different. He wasn’t getting any confidence. He kept trying and trying but it just wasn’t working.
Wilson was feeling a feeling and he couldn’t quite make out what he was feeling. He didn’t know what it was; Wilson was confused. He started thinking. It took a long time before he finally realized what was happening. Wilson was sad and then it all hit him. He made Tim feel sad all those times he had bullied him. In disbelief Wilson sat down on his chair and ran his fingers through his hair. He felt bad for Tim. He didn’t know he made him feel sad this whole

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