
Winston Churchill's Speech Analysis

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England’s greatest orator During the first year of World War II Winston Churchill is recommended by the former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain as his replacement going on to win the election; becoming Prime Minister that following Friday. Before then, Churchill was not a popular person amongst the Members of Parliament due to mistakes made in World War I Nearly all of whom publicly denounced him, some going as far as to publicly mock and heckle his election speeches because of his record of making hasty rash decisions. However, Churchill managed to change the political atmosphere around him with a short, but powerful speech. “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” uses masterful diction, repetition, and structure to keep his address to the assembled group of the House of Lords and Commons brief and informative, while indicating the importance of haste to achieve victory. On Sept 29, 1938, Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement, giving a large portion of Czechoslovakia to Germany in an attempt to keep England out of the war. Until the very end when Hitler annexed the remaining Czech land along with Poland and Austria. Chamberlain preferred trying to appease Hitler in an attempt to remain neutral in the conflict as long as possible. Resulting in Chamberlain resigning in May 13 1940, allowing Churchill to take his place, despite leaving a sour note on the tongues of many because of Churchill’s record in World War I where he made a strategic blunder. Ensuing with fifty thousand English troops being killed despite advisement against the move. With the oration “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” to a collective containing both the House of Lords and Commons, stressing the haste that is needed in order wage the war that is to come, and the necessity to be prepared for the greatest battles in history. Churchill shows his resolve, by putting together the War Cabinet (leading Ministers given specific jobs), remaining Ministers and Three Fighting Forces (Army,Navy,RAF) in two weeks while stressing that there is a long arduous road ahead of them. Churchill would spear head walking this road along side of the English people, in order to survive the coming battles and achieve victory. Churchill emphasizes the need for

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