
Analysis Of Winston Churchill's Their Finest Hour Speech

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Following the collapse of France during World War II, the conditions the Allied powers faced became bleaker by the day. The United Kingdom was standing alone in the face of Germany, and under Hitler’s reign, the German “blitzkrieg” or “lightning war,” a tactic involving bombardment, tanks, and ground troops in quick offense proved too much for many countries. Winston Churchill would be the one to place hope in the hearts of the British people, delivering his “Their Finest Hour” speech on the 18th of June, 1940. Churchill utilized persuasive rhetoric whilst appealing to the people's logic and emotions, to raise morale and spirit in the United Kingdom to fight. Winston Churchill had an incredible background, which had earned him the respect of the people and the influence as the second most powerful individual in the United Kingdom. Churchill enrolled into a Military college when he was of age, and participated in many conflicts surrounding the areas of Cuba, India and Sudan. In 1908, Churchill became a politician. During his time as a member of parliament, he began the movement to support the labor class of the British, introducing the ideas of minimum wage, insurance for the unemployed and most importantly the People’s Budget, which taxed the rich to support the social departments. These achievements within the military and in the parliament supported his ethos when regarding the people. During his speech Winston Churchill utilized a logical standpoint to develop his

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