
'Woman Post Ww2' - Research Paper

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‘Woman – Post WW2’ Research Essay
By Isabella Martin

“Account for the Continuity and/or Change in Woman’s status in Aust. Over Time.”

The evolution of the rights of woman in Australia owes much to successive waves of feminism, or the woman’s movement. The first of these took place in the late 19th century and was concerned largely with gaining the right to vote and to stand for election into parliament. The second wave of feminism took place in the 1960s and 1970s and focused on gaining equality with men in other areas, such as work, the law and general social standing. These protests for the changing rights and freedoms of woman targeted many different aspects of life and presented a broader challenge to traditional ideas of …show more content…

The movement became known as the ‘Woman’s Liberation Movement’. Australia’s early feminists had fought for Woman’s Suffrage, but the second wave feminists of the late 60s and 70s had wider goals and interests.

They wanted to overturn the idea that woman were inferior to men and make society see woman as people who could control their own lives. WLM saw themselves as part of a revolutionary movement focused on achieving equality in the workplace and education, and a group seeking justice for woman in issues such as whether or not to have children, divorce and parental leave.

Today, there are still many different views on the impact of the ‘Woman’s Liberation Movement’ in Australia, but because of it there is more recognition about violence against woman (although violence has not necessarily decreased), woman now have more choice over reproduction than they did until the 1960s, and their also able to reach high positions in politics, professions, and businesses. However, it is still far more difficult for a woman to attain these positions than for a man and laws in which attempt to create equal pay and opportunities for woman do not automatically ensure these things.

Although the idea of the stereotypical ‘Housewife’ during the 50s isn’t referred to much anymore, modern day woman are still receiving that similar treatment, now being sexualised

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