Men vs. Woman Serial Killers
Serial killings are common, but how often are the serial killer’s woman? In this study, they wanted to find out how frequent a woman becomes a serial killer verses a man. In conclusion, men are about six to seven times more likely to kill someone than a woman is. However, the ratio is different for homicide in a domestic environment. Women are more often to kill due to abuse of their partner. Woman serial killers often know their victims, while men have no relationship with the victim what so ever. Hilton and Wilson analyzed 105 female serial killers, using at least two independent sources to check cases and the preferred way of killing for woman was poisoning or a more natural, less violent way. The Holmes’ categorized
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While analyzing 58 healthcare serial killers located between South America, North America, and Europe between the years of 1970 and 2010, this study observes behaviors of healthcare serial killers. Numerous types of serial killers have been introduced the past 30 years. One of the first serial killers was the Federal Bureau Investigation. Since then, many different serial killers have been projected, each with its own unique input to the information base on serial killers. The typical confidence men, or “Con Men,” are frequently white-collar criminals like investment bankers and fraudsters. For example, doctors and nurses already portray god-like control over the lives of their patients, but it remains blurred how much more power they could employ in relation to their victims or if control is what they really want over the victim. “Con Men” serial killers pick victims who are basically different from the typical victims of other serial killers. Healthcare serial killers pick victims that are usually very young or old or sick. Serial killers in healthcare atmospheres do not have to go hunting for their victims, the victims come to them without even meaning to. The majority of healthcare serial killers were white, male nurses, who committed their crimes in hospitals and used injections to kill their victims. These serial killers work in an environment filled with defenseless, vulnerable people that make easy targets. This article shows that there are more men serial killers than there are women. If one person kills several victims of usually a particular type, over a period of time with similarities in between, seemingly without motive except for sexual satisfaction, he is labeled as “serial killer” and is most likely a male. The word “homicide” is resulting from the Latin
This helps me have a better understanding and can help me with my topic on serial killers. I agree with this journal since most women care about finance and personal reason because there are so many articles talking about women killing their loved ones. It’s also understandable that women rely more on indirect murder such as pills or poison rather than directly stabbing a person because there’s less care for the death of the person. These factors are the same as male killers except women are more into money and personal reasons. It’s shocking to believe that women can be mass murders. However, the journal doesn’t answer descriptively on how the killers use their methods on their victims. I hope with this information it can help me find more information on serial killers like thoughts while killing, how they plan their killing, are there any rules when it comes to killing? How do killers feel before and after their plan? What happens if their plan is
People were shocked to hear everything the elderly lady, Dorothea Puente, was capable of. Investigators weren’t suspicious of her even after corpses were found on her property because she didn’t fit the typical serial killer profile. The average serial killer is a white male in his mid to late 20’s. More than 90% of serial killers are men according to research done by criminologists James A. Fox and Jack Levin, and among these 73% were white. Only 4% had graduated with a bachelor’s degree. Victims were 67% female, with children, prostitutes, and the elderly and other common victims while 20% were males who had been raped by their attackers.
In the article The Serial Killer Phenomenon Richard Whittington-Egan aims to explain what exactly a serial killer is and how they differ from a mass murderer. Whittington-Egan breaks down and showcases the defining characteristics of a serial kill with the help of numerous cases of evidence to confirm the accuracy of each statement. The article concludes with examining the future of this phenomenon, what has been done, and most importantly how difficult it will be to solve such an unpredictable behavior.
Through the use of secondary research, Lubaszka and Shon compare and contrast offense characteristics and offender behaviors of serial killers to those of healthcare murderers. Their purpose is to bring attention to the fact that the two types of serial killers are not as comparable as previously believed. Therefore, asserting the necessity for future scholars to study the offenders separately(Lubaszka & Shon, 2013). In order to support their claims, Lubaszka and Shon focus on three limitations traditional serial homicide theories possess as they attempt to explain healthcare serial killers. Those three limitations are as follows: applicability of current typologies, stalking rituals, and geographical mobility (Lubaszka & Shon, 2013, p. 5).
According to Jurik and Russ (1990) compared to men, women frequently kill intimates or people they had very close, social relationships with such as family or friends. Additionally, there is hardly any overkill with victims of female serial murderers. Many victims of female serial killers often have no signs of sexual assault, body mutilation, or dismemberment. Women who murder often do not torture their victims prior to their death, unlike males who are seen to engage heavily in torture. For their choice of weapon, many female serial killers used some form of poison or suffocation, known as covert methods, to kill off their victims.
6. Female serial killers are rare, they tend to kill for financial gain and need to have an emotional connection to their victim. On some occasions women have been involved with male serial killers to form a serial killing team.
Whilst common elements exist in serial killers, there are several features of female serial killers that are said to
Serial murder crime though rare, is not a a new phenomenon. This crime has been committed for centuries and will continue to be a crime that is committed throughout the world. It is unfortunate and scary that this is probably one of the most serious of crimes that cannot be prevented. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, serial murderers commit their crimes because they want to. Rehabilitation is not obtainable for serial killers due to their inability for remorse and empathy, or to see people as people and not objects(Knight 2006). This research paper will focus primarily on serial murder within the U.S. First and foremost, a legal definition provided by the U.S. Department of Justice will be presented to set forth the discussion of this research paper. As follows will be a detailed discussion explaining serial killer typologies with the use of examples of known serial killers in the U.S. Types of serial killers are: power oriented, mission oriented, visionary, and hedonistic, each typology will be clearly defined and explained. Some serial killers can have a mixture of each typology’s characteristic. Serial killers that will be discussed and used as examples to represent the content of this research paper will be, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Robert Berdella, Jeffery Dahmer, and lastly the most prolific serial killer in American history, Gary Ridgeway. Problems with studying serial killing, are that because of rarity and access. Most of what we think
Serial killers have struck fear in the hearts of people, yet the public remains fascinated and intrigued by the crimes perpetrated by these individuals. There are several theories and factors that have been attributed to serial killers in an attempt to explain their behaviors. Furthermore, by indentifying the behaviors that are exhibited by serial killers, law enforcement professionals are able to gather information about these serial killers that will assist in the apprehension of the criminal.
Since there is limited research on female serial killers, identifying case laws and statutes related to the issue is relatively difficult. This process is also complicated by the fact that female serial killers only account for nearly 8 percent of all serial killers in the United States ("A Murderous Phenomenon", 2011). According to statistics by the United States Bureau of Justice, men were ten time more likely to commit murder than women between 1976 and 2005.
Throughout history the majority of female killers have murdered out of greed, passion, or self defense. True female serial killers are rare.
His dead body was found in the woods near Daytona Beach, Florida, shot with a twenty two caliber rifle. “She ended up shooting six .22 caliber bullets into him” (McDuff 202). This is just one of the many catastrophes performed by a woman serial killer. Serial killers are a problem in the United States, murdering on average 2000 people each year (Indiana University np). “In fact, serial murder in the United States alone makes up more than three-quarters of the estimated world total” (Innes 5). Although women serial killers are not very common, they still have a huge impact on the death toll of innocent victims. In order to understand how woman serial killers operate, it is important to understand their motives, the different classifications
What are underling factors that contribute to the psychological profile of men and women serial killers? This paper examines scientific and meta-analysis studies of men and women serial killers in an attempt to identify some of these factors. By investigating psychological theories involving men and women serial killer's mental stability and violence motives, the findings from this paper suggest that more research needs to be done in order to address these societal issues and possibly prevent future violence
Serial killing is a topic that has long fascinated those who study psychology, criminal behavior, and even the general public. Figures such as Ted Bundy, Ed Gein, and Jeffrey Dahmer have been the subject of numerous studies, documentaries, and books. Females do not readily come to mind when one thinks of serial killers because it is a rare phenomenon. Aileen Wuornos is one female who brought the concept of a female serial killer to the public’s attention, but she is not the only woman who has committed these types of crimes. PK (a pseudonym) is another female studied who was similar to Aileen in that she was also predatory and reactive. Serial killers have different methods and traits, but some primary motivations can be gleaned from studying their case reports. One can also attempt to ascertain why the female serial killer is such a rarity and whether their motivations are similar.
Serial murder is one of the most baffling crimes that occur in the U.S. and all over the world. Knight (2006) defines serial murder as the killing of three or more people over a period of more than 30 days, with a significant cooling-off period. The cooling off period may be weeks, months or even years long. Researchers have proposed various psychological, biological and sociological theories that offer a partial understanding of the nature of serial murder. Some propose that the basis for criminal behavior is a predisposition to violence as well as a mix between environment, personality traits and biological factors. Serial killers are predominantly male. Only 3 percent of serial murders are committed by women (U.S. News and World Report,