
Woman Serial Killer Research Paper

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Men vs. Woman Serial Killers
Serial killings are common, but how often are the serial killer’s woman? In this study, they wanted to find out how frequent a woman becomes a serial killer verses a man. In conclusion, men are about six to seven times more likely to kill someone than a woman is. However, the ratio is different for homicide in a domestic environment. Women are more often to kill due to abuse of their partner. Woman serial killers often know their victims, while men have no relationship with the victim what so ever. Hilton and Wilson analyzed 105 female serial killers, using at least two independent sources to check cases and the preferred way of killing for woman was poisoning or a more natural, less violent way. The Holmes’ categorized …show more content…

While analyzing 58 healthcare serial killers located between South America, North America, and Europe between the years of 1970 and 2010, this study observes behaviors of healthcare serial killers. Numerous types of serial killers have been introduced the past 30 years. One of the first serial killers was the Federal Bureau Investigation. Since then, many different serial killers have been projected, each with its own unique input to the information base on serial killers. The typical confidence men, or “Con Men,” are frequently white-collar criminals like investment bankers and fraudsters. For example, doctors and nurses already portray god-like control over the lives of their patients, but it remains blurred how much more power they could employ in relation to their victims or if control is what they really want over the victim. “Con Men” serial killers pick victims who are basically different from the typical victims of other serial killers. Healthcare serial killers pick victims that are usually very young or old or sick. Serial killers in healthcare atmospheres do not have to go hunting for their victims, the victims come to them without even meaning to. The majority of healthcare serial killers were white, male nurses, who committed their crimes in hospitals and used injections to kill their victims. These serial killers work in an environment filled with defenseless, vulnerable people that make easy targets. This article shows that there are more men serial killers than there are women. If one person kills several victims of usually a particular type, over a period of time with similarities in between, seemingly without motive except for sexual satisfaction, he is labeled as “serial killer” and is most likely a male. The word “homicide” is resulting from the Latin

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