
Women And Pay Discrimination

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After many years of fighting for equality amongst everyone, women are still faced with unequal work treatment compared to men. It has been going on for centuries, and yet it is still not resolved. A man and a woman could be offered the same position and have the same level of experience and education, but the man will almost always see a larger paycheck from it. The amount of work and hours spent could be equally exhausting, and still, the treatment is not equal.
A study was done in 2014 regarding the pay gap, and it proved to be very appalling and sickening. Women are said to make 79 percent of what men make. It is better than the 1970’s when women were making much less than that, but the issue still hasn’t been completed. The pay gap does …show more content…

It was created to end the pay discrimination based upon one’s gender, and that both men and women must receive the same pay for the same work performed. This includes things such as salary, holiday pay and bonuses. The exception, however, would be different roles within the company, such as seniority over another. If someone feels that this law is not being abided by, they have the legal right to file a claim for discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The employer does not have the legal ability to retaliate or punish the employee for filing the claim, regardless to whether or not they are guilty of …show more content…

He attempted to back himself up by saying, “When it comes to categorizing people, men and women into a group, it gets to be very dangerous. When you have to categorize men and women into a particular group and a particular pay scale, it gets very tricky because people do different jobs.” He is also known to have said that women should only receive equal pay if they do as good of a job as men can, as if it is unheard of or rare to happen.
He has already had one lawsuit filed against him by a woman in Iowa for alleged sexual discrimination because men were receiving more pay than the women, even though they were doing the same work. He warned our Legislation that he believes it may not be a good idea to promise equal pay.
Hillary Clinton has a view very opposite of Donald Trump’s view. While they may be opposite, she still has some contradicting instances, as well. Hillary expressed her desire to have more strictly enforced laws to equal out the pay gap that our country is currently facing. Hillary attended an event held by Glassdoor and is noted to have said, “Last time I checked, there’s no discount for being a woman. Groceries don’t cost us

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