
Women In Horror Film

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Women are often portrayed as the victim and are stereotypically viewed as the weaker sex in horror films. We often see them play a damsel in distress role and are reliant on the male lead characters in the film. Despite this, modern day horror films have taken a turn and we do see a lot less of these generic characteristics in women in horror films that are made now. However it is still apparent women are shown to be objects or sexual desire in horror films are displayed to attract the attention of male characters. This complies with Laura Mulvey’s male gaze theory and that she believed the camera was positioned so the male viewer was the "bearer of the look" towards the woman on screen. Psycho, The Birds and Halloween are the films I’ve decided …show more content…

From the very beginning of the film we can see how he has shown women to be sexual objects that are to be sought after. This is due to the fact in the opening scenes of the film Marion is shirtless more than once, making it clear to the audience that she is also there to be attractive, this will also attract the opposite sex. This takes away from Marion’s personality and makes in clear her body is more important. Women are also portrayed as deceiving, due to Marion stealing $40,000. This highlights how Hitchcock views women as manipulative and conniving liars. As well as following the stereotypes of women in horror films Psycho also set the view of women through his views of them. This leads on to how women are seen as the care givers and there to look after the damaged men. In the film we can see how Hitchcock has portrayed women to think with their emotions and men think with logic. We can see how men are portrayed to be superior to women in the quote “I’m not capable of being fooled, even by a woman.” This shows are Marion is being patronized and as a women she is portrayed to be foolish and not taken …show more content…

These films follow the generic conventions of horror films and in particular the stereotypes surrounding the portrayal of women. Doing this research now in 2016 allowed me to have the benefit of hindsight and I can see how far horror films these days have come. All three films portray women in some sort of danger and as the victims. Despite this we can also see the characteristics that also show women to be strong and powerful. Despite majorly portraying women in a negative light, Psycho, allows us to see that women can be independent, but is foreshadowed that Marion had to steal to do this. The Birds came after Psycho and didn’t portray women as weak but more as independent. Despite this, the lead character, Melanie, did what she was doing because of a man, displaying women to want to impress men. Something I noticed whilst conducting my research is how, despite sometimes showing women in a positive light, the directors still had to degrade women in some sort of way, there is no balance between the danger men face compared to the amount women are shown to. In Halloween, despite the fact the Laurie survives, this is after the death of the other two female leads, which came because of their sexual

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