
Women In The Yellow Wall-Paper

Decent Essays

Some women felt like in the 19th century felt trapped just like the women in the “Yellow Wall-Paper.” The woman in the book symbolized that women who wanted to get out but couldn’t and who struggled because they had no way out. The women felt that they were supposed to be what men wanted a “housewife,” having no significant importance in life. They felt as if their lives were being lived by what other people had wanted. Most of them wouldn’t come right out and say it because they felt that it wouldn’t have done anything and it didn’t to them. But it wasn’t until the late 1800s that women started to make themselves more known and wanting to be a part of something bigger than themselves. The women in their generation have been known to have …show more content…

A quotes that Shmoop came up with her husband about her illness, “If a physician of high standing, and one’s own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression – a slight hysterical tendency – what is one to do?” This kind of unkindness from the male side shows that women shouldn’t be cared for in the way that they care for their family. Most women in those days, dealt with their lives and let life happen, before women had the courage to stand up and make a name for themselves. That is why women overtime started using their power of voice and letting society know that they had a purpose in …show more content…

Some women would even be considered so low in terms of rank because of what others thought they were. Society needed a change and once the late 1800s happened, that’s when movement toward equal education to both men and women were considered “acceptable.” It wasn’t until when women started going to college and finding their own inner peace and not going to college just to find a man, they were going to find who they wanted to be. Now, there were still some women who wanted to go to college to marry a man, but it slowed down once it was acceptable for women to get out of their houses and work for a living. In the Peril article one question asked for a magazine stated, “What should a girl learn in college?” This question makes it sound like girls were not made to go to college because of their status. It sounds like, “Why even go to college?” I mean, “What would women want to learn?” Yes, we are different from the way we were taught and brought up, but that doesn’t make it right to not allow us to go college or university because of people thinking that women would not be as smart some men think they

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