
Women Oppression

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In this world, men oppress women almost everywhere and allocate them fewer rights than men. Often, women are not even treated as human beings. Around the globe, men kill or mutilate women every day so that they are more appealing to them. In China, parents used to bind their daughter’s feet so that their feet were only about three inches long. Having bound feet made it difficult for them to walk, and therefore, made them dependent on men. The process of having their feet bound was painful, yet women quietly suffered for over a hundred years. In certain places in Africa, parents sometimes have their daughter’s genitals circumcised on the grounds that it was believed that it would mold them into more desirable wives. Also, female circumcision was a way for the men to control the women and families could ensure the seal of the scar tissue. In countries that are Muslim-dominated, women are oppressed through honor killings, which promote a patriarchal society, are said to save the honor of a family, and may be performed without proof; unfortunately, these acts of oppression are not limited to Muslim-dominated countries. Members of the Islamic culture tend to live in patriarchal societies where the peace is kept by men monitoring the actions of women extremely closely (honor). They monitor them as a result of the belief that to maintain peace in society, women’s sexuality should be controlled (Ilkkaracan). Everything about a woman is controlled by men, including who they marry,

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